Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Follies

This story has no medicine to it, unless you count the possibility of 'roid rage.

A couple of my buddies went to a club last night. Being mostly med students, we're a pretty diverse crowd with a fair share of asains and indians etc etc. So my buddies go to leave and smartly choose to have a friend pick them up. While waiting for said friend in the entry way of the club to avoid standing in negative degree temps, the bouncers decided to get a little antsy. They tell my buddies that they have to leave, despite there being a good sized group of [all white] people still in the club. So my friends step outside and the brown guy makes the joke about racial profiling. This leads to little guy using his phone to video the fact that they're getting harassed by the bouncers while all the other people get to stay inside and be warm. Of course, the tubby 2x4's just get more upset and kick a door in little guys face and then start pushing all my friends towards the parking lot. Despite not putting up any resistance, little guy gets punched in the face by the biggest bouncer for telling him to stop pushing. Little guy gets brave, swings back, and all 6 bouncers chase him. Little guy runs for all he's worth around the parking lot until the stress makes him stop and hurl, and little bouncer catches up to him and also punches him in the face.

Luckily the cops showed up about now and put an end to the madness, but unfortunately they didn't feel like arresting the bouncers. And if you're wondering why I'm narrating the story from a 3rd person perspective, its because I had left before everyone had gone to the club to sleep in my nice warm bed. Which is probably a good thing because I get a temper. O well, maybe next time.

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